

Body Types - Types of thinking

In the 21st century, it is extremely necessary to know both your own type of thinking and the type of thinking of the interlocutor. Knowing your own "language" and the "language" of another person, you can easily succeed in any situation. And the success of any large company directly depends on the level of thinking of its leaders.  

Nutritionists claim that a person is what he eats. Hence, your body shape is your trademark. Anyway, that's what enneology says, the amazing science of human types. Do you want to learn how to read a person even before they say hello to you? Then read this book. You will learn how his type of figure is related to the type of thinking, what they are and how they differ from each other, how it manifests itself in everyday life, what professions are preferred for each type, how to properly build communication with them and a lot of other useful information. But the most important thing is to find your type and relate it to what you are currently doing. Perhaps after that you will want to change something in your life in order to take from it everything that is prescribed for you. Or find out how to boost your individual abilities to a genius level to get even more.  

The book is intended for a wide range of readers who still have not found the answer to the most important question for themselves: "Who am I?". You will definitely find it out, otherwise we will refund your money, but we are sure that you will not want to part with it. Because it is like a reference book on human souls, which simply must be in every family - no matter who fate will bring you together with.


Braine Restart

When you’re doing well, life carries its own, you’re on the crest of a wave, and you don’t need anything. Buy this book and put it aside. It’s not for you now. Put it somewhere higher up and don’t touch it. But remember. That book will come in handy if something goes wrong. You’re not so arrogant as to think that your life will always be full steam ahead, are you?

Usually, “wrong” comes as a strange feeling that you’ve lost control of the situation. Things are falling out of hand. Normal processes don’t add up. Things you didn’t even notice before are occupying an obscene amount of space in your life. You push it in the door, it climbs in the windows. You know, it’s time.

That moment, take a look at our book. It’s your lifeline. Although it’s up to you. We’ll help you figure out what’s going on. Let them tell you what’s wrong with you. That may be true, but that’s not the point. Don’t listen to anybody. You know the truth.


EQ Killer. Emotional intelligence in business.  

The success of any business primarily depends on the emotional climate within the team. You can bring together ten of the best programmers and get nothing, or you can choose a team of less outstanding specialists, but working as a single mechanism, and achieve outstanding results. This book is about what emotional intelligence is, why it has become so relevant nowadays, how to identify people who create problems within the team, and how to deal with it. It is intended for middle and senior managers.


Freud vs st Varvara  

The book “Freud vs St. Varvara” is a new story about growing up, acceptance, development and, of course, about Love. This book will prompt you to think about how we talk to our children, and what we talk about with them. And, in turn, how children hear us and how they perceive us. This is a book about Happiness, which can fill many families around the world. The book was created by the authors with great Love and Respect for their daughters, as well as for thousands of families who want to build harmonious relationships with their children and raise children so that they become successful and happy people in the future.


How to develop charisma and ingenuity in a child

A practical guide for parents who have set out to raise a child who is special in all respects. Someone who thinks in a special way, acts in a special way, speaks in a special way. That is, someone who fits the description of this book perfectly — charismatic and brilliant. Is it real? Yes. Can all children achieve this? Quite. What is needed for this?   To begin with, understand a simple thing – charisma is not a gift, but the result of long and hard work. And genius is a consequence of special exercises that liberate the child's mind. This is quite possible for anyone who really wants it. Another thing is that this requires appropriate practice, which is presented in this book.   You will learn from the book how to get to know your child better, what type of thinking he has, what advantages it gives him in the future, how to build education depending on the type of thinking and what profession to choose to become a successful and happy person. You will not find this information anywhere, because this is our unique "know-how", the only one of its kind.   And even more. Its special value lies in the fact that it is not a theory, but a direct guide to action. You can just open it on the right chapter, and, step by step, follow our recommendations. And you will not have to wait for the result for years — you will see the effect quickly enough.


10 types of men  

Women are sure that men are all the same and want only one thing from them. This is partly true, but with one correction – they all want it in different ways, and there are those who are not interested in it at all, including women. It all depends on the type of thinking, and considering that there are 10 of them, the choice is quite decent.  

In this book, we analyze each of them in all details, so that even before you start a serious relationship, you will understand what kind of friend, lover, husband and father your partner will be. Or won't be. It all depends on the circumstances.  

The book is intended primarily for women who are in search of their soulmate, but it can also be useful for those who have already found their happiness, but cannot fully understand what is wrong with it. And men will be interested in it because it well illustrates how women see them, as a reason to think about their behavior. Believe me, they still don't fully know a lot about themselves.


10 types of women  

All women are one and only, but some of them still think the same way, act the same way, and love the same way. Do you know why? This happens because these women have the same mindset. And knowing it, you can predict in advance what kind of wife, lover or hostess she will be, without wasting time on courtship and expensive gifts. So, dear men, if you are still in search of these three components of family life, read this book. In addition to the above advantages of economy, she will reveal other secrets to you — for example, why it is easy and comfortable for you to be with one woman, and it is impossible to be with another for more than five minutes. It is clear that she is not suitable for you. The question is, why? And remember that women also read such books in order to skillfully circumvent your traps. Do you remember the classic: "If all the girls are good, where do bad wives come from"? You will find the answer to this burning question, as well as many others, in this book. Believe me, you will not be afraid of anything with her, because the one who is warned is armed. Especially for those who are afraid to make the wrong choice and are still single.


Emotional burnout  

It's a day like any other, you don't want anything, you feel empty inside... Do you know the feeling? Congratulations, you have an emotional burnout. What is it, what other symptoms and causes does it have, including midlife crisis, relationship crisis, work crisis, and what practical ways are there to deal with it? You will find all this in our book. It is intended for a wide range of readers – those who already need our help, and those who may need it soon.  

Let's put it this way — who will be interested in this book? If everything is fine in your life, then after reading it, you will understand that all this is temporary, because crisis is an objective thing and comes to everyone regardless of their desire, simply because the time has come. Another thing is that every crisis is different, and sometimes can even be your friend and comrade, when the financial crisis causes physical stress and mental depression. But we have focused on those types of it that occur most often, first of all, on emotional burnout, which nowadays takes on the scale of an epidemic.  

It is easy to recognize it – if every new day is like yesterday, if you don't want anything, if there is an emptiness inside, then you are already at risk. Add here a midlife crisis, a crisis in relationships, a crisis at work, a crisis in the professional sphere and it becomes clear that you will not be able to hide. Somewhere, but he will definitely get you.  

In this book, we have described in detail, using examples, how this can happen, but most importantly, how to deal with it. We will not reveal all our secrets in order to keep the intrigue for you, but we will still make a small spoiler — the sooner a person reads this book, the higher his chance to cope with any crisis, easily and quickly, because nothing stimulates him to take care of his health like the fear of being alone with him.  


EQ in sales. Individual approach to the client.  

A unique book of its kind on how to understand in just a minute how your potential client thinks, feels and acts. After that, it's enough to simply turn on the algorithm of adaptations specifically for his type of thinking, and with a 90% probability the sale will take place. It is intended for specialists in the field of sales – from simple sellers to senior managers.  

Have sales dropped? No development? Don't know how else to get staff to court potential customers so they don't leave empty-handed? Stop working the old way and thinking in patterns. It's time to radically change the approach to the process of communication between the seller and the buyer, to switch to the tactics of an individual approach to each client, but not in the sense of a cup of coffee and a heart-to-heart conversation, but based on his type of thinking. Because it is impossible to sell a second refrigerator to one person while the first one has worked for only thirty years, even if you give him a 100% discount. It is much easier to offer him a serious-looking magnet with the number of your store in case his refrigerator stops working one day. At the same time, another person will immediately buy two refrigerators from you just because he likes you. The third is because it has a fashionable color. The fourth one because you really asked to buy it. The fifth one is because it is big. There are many options here, but the approach is always the same.  

The book is primarily intended for sales professionals – from simple sellers to senior executives, but it will also be interesting for ordinary customers to learn how to get a personal discount for themselves. Sellers also differ from each other in their type of thinking.


Intimate health and sexuality  

This book is intended primarily, of course, for women who can learn a lot of interesting things from it. However, men are not forbidden to read it, at least in order to learn how to anticipate the desires of their soulmate.  

This book is a revelation. We have looked inside the sexual nature of man, discovered his hidden motives and desires, many of which were previously hidden from us by false taboos.  

This book is a discovery. We will consider a person from the point of view of the connection between his sexuality and his type of thinking. Now you don't necessarily have to wait until someone invites you over for a "cup of tea" to figure out what happens next. A few minutes are enough to make a decision - will you feel excited in bed with such a partner or not?  

This book is a pleasant entertainment. It is not a scientific work in the literal sense, because from the very beginning the authors set themselves the goal of making the reading process not only useful, but also fascinating. Therefore, it is written in understandable language, with great humor and love for its readers.


The book "Personal Source Code"

Every person, business or family is given a certain potential at birth. But how can this potential be measured? How can abstract quantities be translated into tangible ones? And finally, the most important thing: how to increase your own potential?

Having delved deeply into these issues, we have developed a system that allows us not only to measure the potential of a person, business and family, but also to manage it.

We called this system "Personal Source Code (PSC)". This abbreviation in Russian sound like the word "peak" in the meaning of "highest point" which is not accidental. Our system helps you find this point of maximum efficiency and stay in it, stay at the top of your capabilities. The PSC gives a person the exact coordinates: here and now.

Having realized with the help of PSC who you are, where you are and with whom you are, you can pave the shortest path to the goal and realize your dream by intelligently managing yourself, your business and your family.

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Body Types - Types of thinking